Rate for 2025 will be $2350 + HST - TO BE PAID IN FULL BY MAY 1ST, 2025
A 2% monthly late fee will apply to past due accounts
Payments may be made by cash, cheque or etransfer
Visitors Daily Visitor Rate - $5.00 per person, per day
Overnight Rate - $10.00 per person, per night
Children under age of 4 - No Charge
Limit of 5 visitors per site per day (unless arrangements have been made with management prior to arrival)
$10/vehicle - daily
$50/vehicle - weekly (2 vehicles included per site/cabin rental)
Boat Docking Fee
$8 + HST per foot (season)
$10 (wheelbarrow full - arrange for delivery at the office)
Boat Launch
Boat Rentals
Weekly $300 +HST
Daily $75 + HST
Winter Boat Storage (Oct 1st - May 1st)
Inside - $500 + HST per boat
Outside - $250 + HST per boat
$350 + HST per boat (May 1st to Oct 1st)
$90 + HST per month
$25 + HST per week
Water Taxi $20/Trip